Protecting traveling employees' safety, health, and wellbeing.

Protecting traveling employees' safety, health, and wellbeing. by Jack and Ferdi

From our travel technology perspective, the Covid-19 global crisis means that  travel will never be the same. When we can all travel again, the need for corporate travel to be more meaningful, justified, socially responsible and safe will be greater.

At Jack and Ferdi, we are building a traveler-centric solution which focus on travelers' wellness and personal growth.

With that in mind, we are redoubling our efforts to identify solutions to boost traveling employees' wellbeing. We have been working on adding new features to help you build safe, purposeful and stress-free trips in 2021. Jack and Ferdi solutions now include up-to-date safety information: COVID -19 precautionary measures, alerts, disease outbreaks and any advisories that could potentially disrupt the trip. Our Health section has grown considerably - from tips on coping before and after the flight, recommendations to combat jet lag, vaccination requirements, hospitals at destinations. This comes in addition to our existing curated content to keep traveling employees active and mentally healthy.  We strongly believe in providing a better travel experience by focusing on travelers' wellbeing and happiness. Join us!


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