Company Culture
In every organization you interact with, you will hear the word “culture”, however, most people don't understand the meaning of the word. Company culture can be defined as a set of values, beliefs, attitudes, practices, and goals which are shared within an organization. It refers to how people feel working for a particular company, and how they are contributing towards achieving the mission and goals of the company. The company culture affects the whole operations of a company from head to bottom.
The company culture shapes the type of workers one has in their organization. Since most people spend most of their time working, they need a motivating working culture. Most people prefer working for companies that have strong working cultures, which align with their personal beliefs. If a company’s working culture doesn’t align with the personal beliefs of workers, the workers tend to quit or underperform. Company culture is built on the core values of the company. However, you need your staff to practice these core values so that you can have the working culture you had envisioned. Failure to do this, your staff will have a different working culture and the core values will remain to be words on paper.